Why is Black Seed Oil my Hero Ingredient?

Why is Black Seed Oil my Hero Ingredient?

Oasis Black - Hero Ingredient - Photo by TK Hammonds on UnsplashMove over Hemp Seed Oil, there’s a new hero in town… my hero ingredient Black Seed Oil. 

Known as a versatile natural “cure all” across the Middle East and deemed as “a cure for every disease except death” by Prophet Muhammed, Black Seed Oil is extracted from the tiny black seeds produced in the seed pods of the Nigella Sativa plant.

Generally known as black seed or black cumin, though still relatively unknown in the western world, civilisations across the world have been using Black Seeds, and their oil, for medicinal remedies for thousands of years. In fact, it was so revered in the time of the Ancient Egyptians, that King Tutankhamun was buried with a vat of it in his tomb.


“a cure for every disease except death”


Today, because of the many health benefits they offer, black seeds are “widely used in the treatment of various diseases like bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, rheumatism and skin disorders. It is also used as liver tonic, digestive, anti-diarrheal, appetite stimulant, emmenagogue, to increase milk production in nursing mothers, to fight parasitic infections, and to support the immune system.” 1


Oasis Black - Nigella Sativa flower and seed pod


Why are Black Seeds so special?

Containing one of the world’s richest natural sources of Thymoquinone, Black Seeds possess an array of vitamins, minerals, proteins and a high concentration of essential fatty acids. It is thought that the combination of these and other components work in a unique synergy to give Black Seed Oil the power behind its tremendous potency and unique function.

How can Black Seeds help?

Though the healing benefits of these tiny black seeds have not been studied extensively until more recently, it is pleasing to see that science is backing up the potent medicinal effects known and practiced by traditional medicines for centuries. Recent studies1, 2, 3, 4 have shown that Black Seeds offer the following beneficial properties:

  • anti-inflammatory (including acne and psoriasis)
  • antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, & antiparasitic)
  • antioxidant
  • wound healing
  • anti-aging
  • improved the skin hydration
  • reduced hypersensitivity reactions (eczema)
  • anti-hypertensive
  • anti-diabetic
  • anti-asthmatic and bronchodilator
  • anti-cancer and immunomodulatory
  • analgesic
  • anticonvulsant
  • spasmolytic (antispasmodic)
  • gastro-protective
  • hepato-protective (prevents damage to the liver)
  • renal-protective (prevents damage to the kidneys)
  • neuro-protective

Although western medicine dictates that further studies and clinical trials are required before being accepted as a modern medicine, given that there are very few known toxic effects1, 2, 3 associated with Black Seeds, it’s little wonder why these miraculous tiny black seeds have been used so extensively throughout history to remedy so many different conditions.


“Not only did Black Seed oil become the hero ingredient for my products, but it also became the inspiration for the Oasis Black name.”


After first learning of the tremendous healing power in these tiny black seeds, and after much research and trial and error of my own, I knew that I needed to share their magic with the modern world. From that moment, not only did Black Seed Oil become the hero ingredient for my products, but it also became the inspiration for the Oasis Black name.

Quality matters

Oasis Black - Face & Body Elixir

Like any natural remedy, care does need to be taken when selecting which Black Seed Oil to use.

As the seeds alone offer so many beneficial properties, ideally you want an oil that resembles those seeds as closely as possible. The more an oil is processed and refined, the less beneficial properties it will possess.

Therefore, to deliver as much nutritional value as possible to your skin, I’ve deliberately chosen to only use 100% cold pressed and organic Black Seed Oil in my products.