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Ingredient FAQ's

Carrier oils are oils derived from the fatty portion of a plant, usually from the seeds, kernels or the nuts. They are also often referred to as base oils. The term carrier oil is derived from the purpose they provide whereby they "carry" essential oils to the skin, as the latter are much too potent to apply directly to the skin.

Each carrier oil has its own unique composition of fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, omega's and other nutrients. Oasis Black's products contain specifically selected carrier oils, each chosen for its unique ability to support, maintain or improve the look and feel of your skin.

Our bodies have spent millennia evolving to process naturally occurring foods and substances. Introducing un-natural chemicals and pesticides to the produce we consume, introduces elements that our bodies just aren't designed to deal with. Our bodies know how to process naturally occurring substances, so why would we want to stress it out by introducing substances it's just not designed to deal with?

Oasis Black understands that because most of what you put on your skin can be absorbed into your bloodstream, what you put on your skin is just as important as what you eat. Producing food without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial chemicals is the definition of Organic.

Not only is organic produce much better for you, and your skin, but it's also better for the environment. This is why I've chosen to source organic ingredients wherever possible for my products.

100% of the carrier oils used in my products are cold pressed. This means that the oils are produced by simply pressing or squashing the parent seed, nut or grain at the lowest temperature possible. And, because cold pressed oils retain their natural chemical structure and nutrient value, our bodies know just how to process them to extract maximum benefits, making them great additions to skin care products.

Conversely, large scale solvent extraction and refining operations use chemicals and heat to strip the oils from its parent plant before they're then deodorized and bleached. These processes are cost effective as they result in a higher yield, but unfortunately they can also strip the natural antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and nutrients from the oils too.

To deliver as much nutritional value as possible to your skin, I've deliberately chosen to use only cold pressed carrier oils in my products.

For essential oils, steam distillation is the simplest, least chemical intensive extraction process.

Large scale solvent extraction and refining operations use chemicals and heat to strip the oils from its parent plant before they're then deodorized and bleached. These processes are cost effective as they result in a higher yield, but unfortunately they can also strip the natural antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and nutrients from the oils too.

To deliver as much nutritional value as possible to your skin, I've deliberately chosen to use only steam distilled essential oils in my products.

Our ingredients are 100% natural and wherever possible Organic (or wild harvested). However, as organic farming is completely reliant on the seasons and mother nature, sometimes crops can be wiped out due to natural disasters, making the organic versions of particular ingredients unavailable for a period of time. All our organic ingredients are marked with an * in the product's ingredient list.

Wherever possible, we also choose certified organic ingredients. However, as the certification process is extremely expensive and not feasible for all farmers, especially those in third world countries, sourcing certified organic ingredients is not always possible. Instead, where certified organic ingredients aren't available, we source ingredients from sources where Certified Organic processes are followed as closely as possible.

No, we do not use any Palm Oil, or any palm oil derived ingredient, in any of our products.

No, deliberately we do not use Coconut Oil in our products. Whilst coconut oil is associated with some health benefits, it is unfortunately a known comedogenic oil, meaning it is known to clog pores and this can lead to pimples and break-outs. For this reason, we've chosen not to include it in our products.

No. Though citrus oils have many properties that can benefit the skin, unfortunately most can also irritate sensitive skin and can cause photosensitization when exposed to UV light (ie the sun). As my products are designed to be used by people with sensitive skin, throughout the day and night, I've deliberately chosen not to add citrus oils to my blends.

No, absolutely not!

Mineral Oil is commonly used in skincare products because its super cheap, stable, and has a soothing effect on the skin. However, it is a hydrocarbon, meaning it's derived from petroleum, and therefore the size of the molecules are simply too big to be absorbed in to the skin. Instead, these mineral oil molecules tend to sit on the surface of the skin which can lead to clogged pores and trigger breakouts.

No, absolutely not! My products only contain 100% natural botanical ingredients, in their purest form and organically sourced where possible.